Dev Playground
Test Name Expected Received
plain text (no JSON) from key x x
plain text despite default x x
Invalid key default y y
String i18n default de de
String i18n only de de
path "Leaf1" a a
path "Level1/Level2/Leaf3" c c
invalid path and fallback data y y
invalid path and no fallback data defaults to path z z
key without path/data shows content name name=[...] path= message= name=n3qwebit_Playground_NoKey path= message=
foreach list a b a b
foreach list from default n o n o
foreach list from i18n default d e d e
foreach list of dictionaries from default 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
foreach list at path c d c d
foreach dictionary a b c d a b c d
foreach dictionary from default n o p e n o p e
foreach dictionary of strings from i18n default d e D E d e D E
foreach list of dictionaries a b c d e f g h a b c d e f g h
item of dictionary at path a a
item of nested dictionaries at path c c
JSON from key { 'Leaf1' : 'a', 'Level1': { 'Leaf2' : 'b', 'Level2': { 'Leaf3' : 'c' }}} { 'Leaf1' : 'a', 'Level1': { 'Leaf2' : 'b', 'Level2': { 'Leaf3' : 'c' }}}
JSON from key and path "Level1/Level2" { 'Leaf3' : 'c' } {"Leaf3":"c"}
invalid key returns debug info name=[...] path=Level1/Level2 message=[...] name=n3qwebit_Playground_NoKey path=Level1/Level2 message=
invalid JSON error message name=[...] path=Level1/Level2/Leaf3 message=[...] name=n3qwebit_Playground_InvalidJson path=Level1/Level2/Leaf3 message=Unexpected end of content while loading JObject. Path 'Level1.Level2.Leaf3', line 1, position 69.
invalid JSON error message in list name=[...] path=Level1/Level2/List message=[...] name=n3qwebit_Playground_InvalidJson path=Level1/Level2/List message=Unexpected end of content while loading JObject. Path 'Level1.Level2.Leaf3', line 1, position 69.
invalid JSON error message in dictionary of strings name=[...] path=Level1/Level2 message=[...] name=n3qwebit_Playground_InvalidJson path=Level1/Level2 message=Unexpected end of content while loading JObject. Path 'Level1.Level2.Leaf3', line 1, position 69.
just to be sure that it works with empty/null key 42 42
Intentionally red to check the checker x y
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