Weblin transports real life to the Web and creates its own lively and animated world on every single website - A metaverse which has no digital boundaries! But being a Weblin and interacting with other Weblins means so much more. It’s more than just appearing as an avatar on the web and acting in the metaverse. There are many possibilities – and sharing is one big part of this. Humans are social beings. We like to be part of a group which appreciates us, shares similar beliefs, and which we can just have fun with. Be it the local sports club, a group of friends who we like to go out for a drink with, or even a group sharing a common hobby on a weekly basis. All of these small communities give us support, confirmation, and a sense of belonging. It's an important and, of course, beautiful part of our lives. The interesting thing is that the groups are not permanent, but are in constant change. Circles of friends change, people discover a new hobby for themselves, or move to a new city. You change your job or your soccer club. Despite these changes, you usually feel at home in a new group quite quickly. Essential for this is a shared conviction, shared purpose, or shared interests. This basis creates communities where people feel they belong and from which they enjoy appreciation and support. Let's transfer this mentally to the Web. The special thing about the Web is that it is primarily divided into individual websites, each of which has its own reason for existence. Thus, certain pages provide information about topics, other pages entertain visitors, and still other pages enable the exchange of information. But all pages exist under a certain subject. No matter if this is the history of the Germanic tribes, a listing of car tire sizes, instructions for knitting, or the information portal of the daily newspaper. All visitors to a single web page share at least an interest in the topic of the web page. For each of these web pages on the Web, a community coexists - with the web page topic as a common basis. Weblin brings these communities to life. People interested in the history of the Germanic tribes can interact on this website with Weblins who are also interested in it. They can talk, share their opinions, and discuss. This happens on every single page - no matter what the topic, no matter when, and no matter where. Weblin creates communities, Weblin creates spontaneous meetings of people who were strangers a few moments ago, Weblin creates belonging. Without limits. To dive even deeper into the possibilities of Weblin, in the next part of this series we will show you special and extraordinary use cases as created by Weblin and also on which sites Weblin is particularly powerful. Stay tuned.